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click on the map to view reverse geocoded street names.     

     geocode address :
The geocoder is using geonames geocoder,
reverse geocoding is provided by geonames using the US Census "Tiger Line" data set.
Click on the map to view reverse geocoded street names.

Reverse Geocoding Webservice

Find nearest Address
Finds the nearest street and address for a given lat/lng pair.

Url :
Parameters : lat,lng, (or optionally lats,lngs for array of lat/lng pair); radius in km (default=0.2); maxRows (default=1)
Restriction : this webservice is only available for the US.
Result : returns the nearest address for the given latitude/longitude, the street number is an 'educated guess' using an interpolation of street number at the end of a street segment.

This service is also available in JSON format :

Find nearest Intersection
Finds the nearest intersection for a given lat/lng pair.

Url :
Parameters : lat,lng;
optional: maxRows: number of rows returned, radius: radius in km
filter: only return intersections with streets of a mtfcc equal or higher then the filter
Restriction : this webservice is only available for the US.
Result : returns the nearest intersection for the given latitude/longitude

This service is also available in JSON format :

Find nearby Streets
Finds the nearest street for a given lat/lng pair.

Url :
Parameters : lat,lng;
optional: maxRows: number of rows returned, radius: radius in km
Restriction : this webservice is only available for the US.
Result : returns the nearest street segments for the given latitude/longitude

This service is also available in JSON format :

Returned Elements :
line : line string with lng lat points, points are comma separated
mtfcc : MAF/TIGER Feature Class Code
name : street name
fraddl : from address left
fraddr : from address right
toaddl : to address left
toaddr : to address right
the other elments are selfexplaining.

Install Reverse Geocoding on your own Server

We can help you install reverse geocoding on your own server.

Other Reverse Geocoding Services
A global street level reverse geocoder is available based on openstreetmap data. Compared to the US geocoder it is less detailed and it is using a more restrictive cc-by-sa license.

[more reverse geocoding webservices]